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I understand that by confirming my booking, I have read and accept the Terms & Conditions for this booking; and am authorising a charge for the selected products.


All fees are due in full at the time of purchase unless otherwise agreed in writing.

If, for any reason, full payment has not been received in advance, you will be required settle your account before being granted access to the product.

For online products/services, we will provide you with access to online materials after we have confirmed your order by email and you have paid the associated fees.

For the avoidance of doubt, we reserve the right to deny access to the product or service until full payment has been received by us.

You may not rent, transfer, assign, commercially exploit, resell or sublicence access to your product or service to any third party.

Product fees are quoted in £/$/€, excluding VAT, however, VAT is payable on certain products and this will be made clear at check-out.


Sense Media Group does not accept liability for any loss of or damage to the personal effects of delegates attending our events.

We aim to ensure that our website does not contain any errors, defects, malfunctions or corruptions, however, we do not accept responsibility for any damage to or loss of data on your computer system, network or server that results from the download or use of any Sense Media Group website or any materials made available via the our websites and affiliated links.

You shall comply with all relevant laws and regulations which may apply in relation to your involvement in the event and you will indemnify and keep indemnified and defend (at your own expense) us against all costs, claims, damages or expenses suffered or incurred by us or for which we may become liable due to any failure by you or your employees or agents to comply with any of your obligations under these terms & conditions or any applicable laws and regulations.

Sense Media Group will take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of all attendees and staff onsite at our events, including taking appropriate measures to protect against COVID-19 transmission. However, the safe running of our events relies on individual attendees also acting responsibly. By attending our event, you agree to abide by all guidance issued by the organisers, and also accept that the organisers may not be held liable in any way for any health-related issues arising either directly or indirectly following your attendance at this event. All attendees participate in this event at their own risk and should ensure they have read all guidance and documentation in full.

For the avoidance of doubt it shall be your responsibility to take out and maintain appropriate insurance in relation to any risks under or in relation to your purchase or your participation in the event.

Our aggregate liability to you, whether such liability arises in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, for any damages, loss, costs, claims or expenses of any kind howsoever arising, out of or in connection with your purchase or otherwise in connection with the event, shall be limited to the fee paid by you.

We shall not be liable to you for: (i) any loss of profit, loss of or damage to data, loss of anticipated savings or interest, loss of or damage to reputation or goodwill; or (ii) any indirect, special or consequential damages, loss, costs, claims or expenses of any kind.


Sense Media Group may provide links to third-party websites from time to time. We are not responsible in any way for the content of any third–party website or for goods or services provided by the operators of such websites.


All attendees requiring visas may request a visa invitation letter from Sense Media Group at the time of booking; you must ensure that sufficient time is given for applications to be completed. Sense Media Group cannot be held liable for any costs associated with visa applications or subsequent costs incurred by you due to unsuccessful visa applications.


Credit card details and personal information is stored using a secure internet link using SSL (secure socket layer) encryption; any personal information entered or uploaded during the registration process will remain confidential.

Please see our privacy policy for full details of how your data is processed. Https://


We grant to you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to use the brand logos and trademarks provided to you solely to promote your association with our product.

You grant to us: a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sub-licensable licence to use your logos and trademarks (“participant marks”) to promote and exploit our products; and for a period of 12 months following your purchase in any report produced about the product and in any promotional materials for similar products.

In the event that you change the participant marks at any time during the term, you agree that we shall not be obliged to make any consequential changes to materials that include your logos produced by us or on our behalf for or in connection with the product (including, but not limited to, reprinting promotional literature or publicity materials) unless you agree in writing in advance to meet the costs and expenses incurred by us arising from such change.


If you have purchased an online product, we will make this product and related materials available to you via our website following the issue of your confirmation email for the specified subscription period only. After the subscription period ends, we will suspend your access to the specific product. If you wish to access these materials after your access has been terminated, you will need to submit a new order to us. In certain circumstances we may extend the time period in which you may access the related materials, requests must be made in writing and we offer no guarantee that permission will be granted.

Sense Media Group reserves the right to cancel, defer or otherwise modify event proceedings without prior notice.

If for any reason, we are unable to deliver any of the benefits or features as previously advertised, we will inform you as soon as reasonably practicable. We may substitute alternative benefits in respect of the same product to an equivalent value of the relevant benefits without any liability to you.

You acknowledge and agree that you shall be solely responsible for all costs that you incur relating to your use of the product (including, without limitation, any travel costs, the costs of any temporary staff and any costs relating to exhibition signage, displays and all costs incurred by you in exercising event benefits and features).

You shall promptly comply with all reasonable instructions and directions issued by or on behalf of us in connection with the event and its promotion (including, without limitation, any instructions or directions given in relation to the use of the venue at which the event is being held). We shall not be responsible for any failure or delay in providing any of the benefits where such failure occurs directly or indirectly as a result of your failure or delay in complying with any of our reasonable instructions or directions.


For Academy products sold in bulk as a package of modules, Sense Media Group will monitor usage levels, and reserves the right to invoice for additional module viewing beyond the agreed number of modules, at the same rate per module as per the original contract.


By purchasing an annual subscription, you agree to an initial non-refundable pre-payment for one full year of service. After one year and annually thereafter, you will be billed a recurring annual subscription fee at the then-current annual subscription rate.

We will notify you before the renewal fee is billed. You may cancel your subscription at any time before the next billing cycle by notifying us in writing at



The conference fee includes entry to the conference sessions, full documentation, lunch and refreshments.

Conference fees do not include delegate travel and accommodation.

There will be no retrospective discount if a discount code is not provided at the time of booking.


Fees for online access to all products and services are non-refundable.

For physical events:

Cancelling 10 working days or more prior to the event – a cancellation request must be made in writing to Sense Media Group events. A 20% handling fee applies to all cancellations.

Cancelling less than 10 working days prior to the event – no refunds can be made for any delegate cancelling for any reason after this time.


For physical events, delegates can provide a substitute at any time online or by contacting Sense Media Group events. No cancellation fees apply if a delegate place is substituted. Customer substitutions are not permitted for any other products or services unless authorised in writing by Sense Media Group.


Delegates who have booked subsidised event passes (Basic or Full) pass must check in at the event to qualify for the subsidy. If you do not check in at the event, Sense Media Group reserves the right to invoice you for the full value of your pass. Please retain proof of your check in (your conference badge, for example) in case of dispute.


Sense Media Group’s events may feature live demonstrations or activities that include an inherent risk, however small or well-mitigated. Participation in these features is voluntary, however, by registering for the conference you acknowledge that you agree to the following waiver:


Photography and filming by Sense Media Group as well as by other participating companies will occur throughout the event. These images and videos may be published on company websites, social media and circulated to media organisations for publication or transmission. By accepting these Terms & Conditions you give your consent to appear in all such filming and photography while onsite at the event or related activities organised by Sense Media Group.



Upon sign up for our online Products and Services, a personal profile and a non-transferable account will be created. This is intended for individual access by the account owner only. If unpermitted usage is detected, including multiple users accessing one account, Sense Media Group Group reserves the right to terminate accounts showing this type of activity.

Sense Media Group does not guarantee uninterrupted or error-free access to our online products and services. From time to time we may, at our discretion, turn off features or content temporarily in order to upgrade our platform, general maintenance or for any other reason. If this downtime is expected to exceed 72 hours, we will notify you in writing.

You accept that you will not have a claim for breach of contract or otherwise in respect of such period of unavailability. You also acknowledge that we cannot be held responsible for any delay or disruptions that are inherent in the operation of the Internet and the World Wide Web, including viruses.

You are granted a limited license solely for your own personal, non-commercial use to refer to, bookmark or point to any page within this website, and to download the Materials contained on this website to a single personal computer, and to print a single hard copy of the Materials contained on this website for your own personal reference, provided however that all copyright, trade mark and other proprietary notices are left intact. The grant of this limited license is conditional on your agreement to, and compliance with, these Terms & Conditions of use.

Any other use of the materials on this website, including any form of copying or reproduction (for any purposes other than those noted above) modification, distribution, re-publication, extraction, reutilisation, incorporation or integration with other materials or works or re-delivery using framing technology, without the prior written permission, is strictly prohibited and is in violation of the proprietary rights of Sense Media Group.

Parties found to have breached these terms may face subsequent legal action.


In the event of failure or delay in performing its obligations as a result of an event or series of connected events outside the reasonable control of Sense Media Group (including, without limitation, acts of god, floods, lightning, storm, fire, explosion, war, military operations, acts or threats of terrorism, strike action, lock-outs or other industrial action or a pandemic, epidemic or other widespread illness) no refunds will be given in respect of any cancellations or inability to deliver the product or service.


Each party shall treat in confidence all information obtained from the other that is confidential in nature (which shall include details of any fees paid) and shall use such confidential information solely for the purpose of exercising its rights or performing its obligations relating to this purchase.


All Intellectual Property Rights associated with content presented on the Sense Media Group website, or at Sense Media Group events are, and remain, the intellectual property of Sense Media Group.

You are not authorised to:

Breach by you of this clause shall allow us to immediately terminate these Terms & Conditions with you and cease to provide you with any products or services, including but not limited to access to your online account.


You warrant that you shall:

Breach of this clause shall be deemed a material breach of these Terms & Conditions.


These Terms & Conditions and the rights and obligations of both parties shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of England and Wales, the parties irrevocably agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Last updated: 6 September 2022